8 Amazing Drone Videos of Grand Haven

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a drone! Ever imagined what Grand Haven looks like from a birds eye point of view? Some may say it is even more stunning than from the ground. Get ready to fly through every season here in Grand Haven; we’ve gathered what we think are some of the top drone videos that capture all the beautiful views it has to offer.
Icy Views
Bill Hartman captured last year’s icy wonderland full of icebergs during a sunset at the pier. How breathtaking!
Sunset Views
Instagrammer @tristanurry flew through the sunset while the waves were quite large and the sky filled with color!
Come Sail Away
There’s no question that AWB studios is a pro when it comes to drone videos, but this video captures a calm summer night of last year.
Winter Wonderland
Logan Hess (@lthessimages) flew through on a beautifully sunny winter day just before sunset and got a glance at the icy waves and icebergs below.
Let’s Go Fly a Kite!
If this doesn’t get the excitement going for summer and the Kite Festival, we don’t know what will. Wayne Bergman was up close and personal with these kites at the festival a few years ago.
Free Fallin’
There is something about that time after a bustling summer while Michiganders are waiting for the snow to hit. Visiting the pier a few last times without parkas and snow shoes is a great feeling. Youtuber, Eric VanDuyn (EMan) captured Grand Haven State Park this past Fall on a beautiful sunny day.
Mile High Waves
WOOD TV8’s fearless @drone8 braved the wind and ice to capture these breathtaking waves. It’s safe to say the pier was not so crowded on this day.
360 degrees
From a beautiful sunny day to a sunset through the channel and pier, the Wiersma Brothers captured an overall beautiful winter day at Grand Haven State Park.
Thanks to everyone who shared their videos with us! If you know of any more awesome drone videos of the Grand Haven area, be sure to post a link in the comments section below.
We are always looking for new and exciting Grand Haven pictures and videos! They can be shared on any of our social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! Tag your photos and videos with #visitgrandhaven for permission to post!
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