Top 5 Photos with Karen J. Photography

This is the first in a new blog series that features local photographers and their work! There are so many great photographers who are taking amazing photos of our beautiful area, so we thought it would be fun to highlight them. We had each photographer pick out their top 5 photos and send us an explanation as to why they chose each photo. We are going to kick things off with our first feature – Karen J. Photography!
Karen Salyer is the woman behind the camera at Karen J Photography out of Belmont, MI. Karen started in photography almost 15 years ago photographing her kids in sports. She enjoys many areas of photography but landscapes, especially sunsets in Grand Haven, are her “therapy”!
Here are Karen’s Top 5 Photos of the Grand Haven area!
Blue Hour
This was taken this past winter. I liked the tree that got washed up near the beach – it shoes just how rough winter can be on the Great Lakes. This was taken at “Blue Hour” – that time near dusk when things appear blue.
Golden Hour
This is probably my favorite shot of Grand Haven. I arrived one evening in late fall and everything was literally a golden color! There are not many days when you get color like this!
Waiting to Get In
As I was taking sunset photos I saw this ship sitting out on the lake. After the sun had set, all the other photographers had packed up and gone home but I sat there and watched this ship. Eventually, it started to make its way towards the channel and I caught this shot just when it started to come in.
Winter’s Furry
I liked this one as it shows just how powerful out Great Lakes can be! It almost looks like the fog house is floating out there and that that waves will swallow it up.
Day is Done
To me, this is the epitome of a sunset in Grand Haven on a summer’s night! Throngs of people gathered on the pier taking photos and enjoying the last of a beautiful summer day in Michigan.
To learn more about Karen J Photography or to purchase any prints of her work, check out her website and follow her on Facebook and Instagram!
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