Top 5 Photos with Jerry James

This is the eighth feature in our blog series where we ask local photographers to share with us their 5 favorite photos of the Grand Haven area. This week we are pleased to feature photographer Jerry James.ย
Jerry James is a Landscape/Portrait photographer from Muskegon, Michigan. Jerry enjoys being outdoors and photographing his adventures. He finds traveling exciting and is always looking for the next new place to go.ย
Here are Jerry James’ Top 5 Photos he has taken in the Grand Haven area and why!
#1 Black Ice
This image was taken during the winter months right before sunset. The sky was all overcast except for a spot right over the house. Some light was leaking through and it lit the area up nicely for this photo.
#2 Grand Haven Fog
This image was taken from on top of the sand hill at Grand Haven State Park. I had never seen the fog like this here before. It was definitely a sight to see. I sat on the hill with my camera on the tripod and waited for the right moment to push the shutter button.
#3 Smokey Waters
This day was pretty fun. The beach was filled with photographers and everyone was freezing but having a good time talking camera gear while running up and down the beach to get their shots. This image is a long exposure where I had my camera on a tripod. I used an ND1000 neutral density filter to take a 30 sec exposure and made the water look smokey and stretch out the clouds.
#4 The Rocket
I always find myself shooting the first lighthouse. On this day, it reminded me of a rocket ship blasting off and the ice at the bottom looked like the smoke.
#5 Grand Haven Sundae
There were a few days in a row this past summer where the wind didn’t want to let up. Which was good for us photographers because we like shooting the big splashes when the water gets this violent. For this image I wanted to fill the frame from top to bottom so I laid in the sand and got my camera as close to the ground as I could and filled the bottom of the image with crashing waves which leads up to the lighthouse (the cherry on top).
To learn more about Jerry James or to purchase any prints of his work, check out his website and his Facebook and Instagram!
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