Top 5 Photos with Outdoor Imaging by Brad Terry

This is the second installment in our new blog series where we ask local photographers to share with us their 5 favorite photos of the Grand Haven area. This week we are pleased to featureย Outdoor Imaging by Brad Terry!
Brad Terry was raised in Southeast Michigan where he attended college and earned a degree photography. While Terry enjoyed that area he knew he belonged in west Michigan and moved to the Grand Haven area a little more than 10 years ago. When he’s not creating images Terry can usually be found with family or friends enjoying local festivities and attractions or catching a Tigers game.
Here are Brad Terry’s Top 5 Photos he’s taken in the Grand Haven area and why!
The first two images I wanted to talk about as a pair because I feel they represent the “classic” beauty of the Grand Haven coast. In the images I feel the viewers could easily get the sense of being in that place at that exact time and almost feel the warm breeze that I did on those days. These images, I feel, carry the feeling of what people are looking for when they come to Grand Haven – serenity and a calm, relaxing and beautiful view.
With the third image I chose to share, I wanted to share because it shows the constant and often times deceptive beauty of Grand Haven and its North and South Pier. It’s deceptive because the image, though it gives off a feel of a warmer evening at the pier, it was actually created toward the end of December in 2014 and it was a windy and cold evening. It shows that Grand Haven and Michigan are beautiful all year round!
The 4th and 5th images I also wanted to describe as a pair because though visually different they are compositionally similar in the fact that they both contain elements that a lot of folks would simply walk past. Driftwood is of course very commonplace on the beach and when framed correctly can make for very interesting images. The detail and texture that comes out after being slogged by a wave and then having the sun shine on them is simply incredible. Driftwood is something that I always love photographing!
To learn more about Outdoor Imaging by Brad Terry or to purchase any prints of his work, check out his website and follow him on Facebook and Instagram!ย
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