
Esta páxina explica a función dos administradores (ás veces chamados admins' ou sysops) en Wikimedia Commons. Nota que detalles da función, e o xeito en que os admins son nomeados, pode diferir desde outros sitios.
Se queres pedir axuda dun admin, por favor envía un correo en tableiro de Administradores.
Hai actualmente 185 admins en Commons.
Que é un administrador?
Administrators as of maio 2024 Listing by: Language • Date • Activity [+/−] |
Number of Admins: 185
If 185 is not the last number on this list, there may be an error or there are some users assigned temporarily. |
Os administradores son usuarios coa habilidades técnica en Wikimedia Commons de:
- Elimina e recupera imaxes e outros arquivos subidos, e para ver e restaurar versións eliminadas
- Elimina e recupera páxinas, e para ver e restaurar revisións eliminadas
- Protexe e desprotexe páxinas, e para editar páxinas-admin protexidas
- Bloquea e desbloquea usuarios, enderezos de #IP individual e rangos de enderezo de IP
- Editar o MediaWiki namespace
- Rebautiza ficheiros
- engade e tirar usergroups
- Configura campañas Upload Wizard
- Elimina e recupera entradas específicas rexistradas e revisións de páxinas
- Páxinas de importación desde outro wiki
- Fusionar a historia de páxinas
- Modifica filtros de abuso
- Non crear redireccións desde páxinas orixinais cando as páxinas son movidas
- ser inmune a verificacións así como ás listas negras de nomes de usuario
- Enviar unha mensaxe a usuarios múltiples inmediatamente (massmessage)
- Uso de límites máis altos en consultas de API
Estes son colectivamente conocidos como "botóns" ou ferramentas admin.
Páxinas da comunidade
Os administradores son experimentados e membros confiados na comunidade de Commons que tomou o traballo de mantemento adicional e foi encomendado cas ferramentas admin por voto de consenso/público. Diferentes admins teñen áreas diferentes de interese e pericia, o mais típico admin ten as tarefas que inclúen decisións de pechando peticións de borrado, eliminando por violacións de copyright, recuperación de ficheiros onde sexa necesario, proteccións Commons contra vandalismo, e traballando en modelos e outras páxinas protexidas. Naturalmente, algunhas destas tarefas poden ser feitas por non-admins tamén.
Os administradores son esperados para entender alcance deste proxecto, e ser preparado para traballar construtivamente con outros cara aqueles fins. Os administradores tamén terían que entender e seguir as directrices Commons, e onde sexa apropiado, respecto ao consenso comunitario.
Á parte desde funcións que requiren uso das ferramentas admin, os administradores non teñen autoridade de edición especial por virtude da súa posición, e en discusións e votos públicos as súas contribucións son tratadas no mesmo xeito como calquera editor normal. Algún admins poden devir máis influínnte, non debido á súa posición como tal excepto desde a confianza persoal que poideron gañar na comunidade.
Suxestións para administradores
Fai o favor e le Commons:Guide to adminship.
Dereitos de admin ao garete
Baixo a de-admin policy, os dereitos de administrador poden ser revogados debido a inactividade ou abuso de ferramentas admin. In a de-admin request, normal standards for determining consensus in an RfA do not apply. Instead, "majority consensus" should be used, whereby any consensus to demote of higher than 50% is sufficient to remove the admin.
Para chegar a admin
Todo presunto admin ten que pasar por este proceso e someterse a RFA, incluíndo todo ex-admin que está á busca para regresar á súa función anterior.
Primeiro, vai a Commons:Administrators/Howto e lé a información alí. Entón volve aquí a facer a túa pregunta na sección de embaixo.
- Despois de premer no botón apropiado e creando o subpáxina, copia a ligazón á subpáxina, e.x. "Commons:Administrators/Requests/Username", edita Commons:Administrators/Requests e colalo na parte superior da sección, entón póñao entre chaves dobres (e.x. {{Commons:Administrators/Requests/Username}}) na transclude.
- Se alguén nominoute, fai o favor de aceptar o nomeamento e expor "acepto" ou algo similar, e asinando abaixo do nomeamento ti. Ou a persoa que te nomina deberá transcluir a páxina.
Uso a caixa abaixo, substituíndo Username co voso usuario/a: |
Calquera usuario rexistrado pode votar aquí a pesar de que en certos casos os usuarios con poucas achegas non poideran votar ou terse en conta o seu voto. É preferible dar o voto razoado para Support de apoio ou
Oppose para axudar ao burócrata ao peche na súa decisión. O peso máis grande é dado a os argumentos, especialmente se hai evidencia que o apoie, que un voto sinxelo.
A promoción normalmente require polo menos 75% a favor, cun mínimo de 8 votos de apoio. Votos desde os usuarios non rexistrados non son contados. Con todo, o peche do burócrata ten discreción en xulgar consenso comunitario, e a decisión non necesariamente estea baseada nos números crus.
Os comentarios Neutral non son contados nos totais de voto para os propósitos de calcular o pase/falla das porcentaxes. Con todo tales comentarios son parte da discusión, pode persuadir a outros, e contribuír ao peche do burócrata a entender de consenso comunitario.
Purge the cache O uso de editar ligazón seguinte para editar ou transcluir a páxina.
Requests for adminship
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Administrators/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Administrators before voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
Aurelio de Sandoval
Aurelio_de_Sandoval (talk · contributions · deleted user contributions · recent activity · logs · block log · global contribs · CentralAuth) (Activity: Talk Commons DR)
- Scheduled to end: 14:47, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
Hello, I'm Aurelio. I would like to request administrator tools to handle copyright violations, such as copyvios, previously I have already nominated copyvio images very well, unfortunately in some months I was not active due to problems with my PC or cell phone, but I have been active now that they have already resolved these issues. I say goodbye for now, vote and say if I can be an administrator Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 14:47, 28 April 2024 (UTC)
Oppose (regretfully). While I do think this request is well-intentioned, I do have concerns regarding activity levels. You have only made 500 edits since July 28, 2023 (more than 9 months ago as of typing this). Do come back after your activity levels increase over a continuous period, though! --SHB2000 (talk) 07:17, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
- @SHB2000 Yes, I had problems with my PC and I didn't have a cell phone to work with, that's why I couldn't. Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 21:44, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
- That still doesn't explain that 300 of those 500 edits were in the last week. SHB2000 (talk) 01:48, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
- and just after one week they request adminship. I do appreciate Aurelio but I don't think it's the time for them. More activity is truly needed before thinking of another RFA Bedivere (talk) 02:48, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
- That still doesn't explain that 300 of those 500 edits were in the last week. SHB2000 (talk) 01:48, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
- @SHB2000 Yes, I had problems with my PC and I didn't have a cell phone to work with, that's why I couldn't. Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 21:44, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Weak Support We always need more Spanish-speaking admins,
but activity is sporadic, with 300ish edit bursts 24-48 hrs prior to this RFA being posted. Changing to weak support on the condition of returning to active editing. Thank you for your work at license review! All the best -- Chuck Talk 15:47, 29 April 2024 (UTC)- @Alachuckthebuck My activity on Wikimedia had been reduced because I had not had a PC or cell phone to work, now I do have the means. Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 21:40, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Weak oppose - Per concerns over activity levels. Seawolf35 (talk) 15:52, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Weak oppose per above. --Bedivere (talk) 17:09, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Oppose, unfortunately, per SHB. Queen of Hearts (not related) 17:15, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Oppose per above. Concerns with minimal recent activity levels -Fastily 05:18, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
Support - 2 edits per day are not that bad. If 500 edits in 9 month be the only cause for opposing, I can not really follow. -- Marcus Cyron (talk) 05:33, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Weak oppose the answers worry me a bit because I don't see understanding of some key elements of deletion requests (URAA per Q2, the fact that Commons should not decide whether an image is "accurate" and that should be left to local projects per Q5). Also the answer to Q1 is a clear misunderstanding of the question - it is about the application of INUSE and the superseded image policy, not threshold of originality (that is not relevant here). While I understand some of this can be attributed to mistranslation, I still think without a proper grasp on policy, it will be hard to justify supporting adminship, as actions on Commons have the potential to affect the whole of Wikimedia. If the candidate was more active in areas such as Commons:Deletion requests, I would wholeheartedly support adminship. —Matrix(!) {user - talk? -
uselesscontributions} 20:35, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Question Do you see yourself doing other admin work outside of copyvios, and if so, what areas? All the best -- Chuck Talk 15:49, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
- @Alachuckthebuck If, for example, delete images that are not in the public domain, or restore images that were deleted by mistake and that were suitable for Wikimedia Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 21:43, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
- Protect pages to avoid vandalism. Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 21:43, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Question I see you haven't been that active on Commons lately, but I'm sure that will change once you acquire adminship. Regardless, here are a few questions about common DRs (feel free to answer inline btw), answer with your first thoughts (of course this may change through the course of the discussion). —Matrix(!) {user - talk? -
uselesscontributions} 17:52, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
- Someone nominates File:Random logo.png for deletion with the rationale "redundant to File:Random logo.svg". Assume File:Random logo.png is not INUSE.
- Someone nominates a 1945 WW2 photo was published in 1945 in Germany. Assume the author is anonymous per Template:PD-anon-70-EU.
- Someone nominates a company logo for deletion with the rationale "copyright violation".
- Someone nominates a photo that they made 5 years ago for deletion stating "I don't want it on the internet anymore". The photo's subject is quite obscure and we don't have many photos of that subject. Assume no GDPR or related issues.
- Someone nominates a photo for deletion stating the data is unreliable and out of date. They provide a link to the correct data but haven't uploaded a file yet with the correct data. The file is in use on multiple projects.
- @Matrix
- 1- It varies if the logo does not exceed the threshold of originality, if they are just geometric figures there can be no problem, Otherwise, if it were with logos from China because its originality threshold is quite low.
- 2- The photograph is fine since the time determined for it to be in the public domain has passed, more now that you take into account that they have passed 79 years.
- 3- It would have to be reviewed if this logo does not exceed the threshold of originality.
- 4- Well, this site has photographs of that type, so they could not be deleted.
- 5- It would have to be reviewed check if the data is correct and if it is a photo where years have passed, review the year. Aurelio de Sandoval (Mensajes aquí please) 20:15, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Requests for bureaucratship
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Bureaucrats/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Bureaucrats before posting or voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
No current requests.
Requests for CheckUser rights
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Checkusers/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Checkusers before posting or voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
No current requests.
Requests for Oversight rights
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Oversighters/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Oversighters before voting here. Any logged in user may vote, although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
No current requests.